About me

Welcome to my portfolio ! My name is François Michel, I currently work as a postdoctoral researcher at UCLouvain, in Belgium. Passionate about computer networks, I wrote my thesis about revisiting the loss recovery mechanism of the QUIC protocol. I also love learning and playing with modern applications using QUIC, such as HTTP/3. You can reach me on Twitter/X or Linkedin. Don’t hesitate to contact me, I’ll be happy to tchat !

My most recent project is SSH3, a revisit of the SSH protocol using HTTP/3 and QUIC, available on Github and presented at IETF 119, with an associated Internet Draft. It may already give you a good overview of what I am capable of doing and the technologies I am used to play with.

If you want to know who I am as a researcher, check out my list of highlighted publications and my scholar profile !